Astrology Circle

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Western astrology decans finds the personality attributes of people born under the 3 decanates of the same star sign or zodiac sign. You  more..
Do you believe in luck by chance? What are your experiences with the twist of fate? Your Hermes horoscope can give you a better idea about  more..
Take this free online I-Ching Love Test and get a free love analysis of the level of your compatibility with your partner. Let the opposite  more..
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Numerology is the study of numbers with respect to names and by date of birth. The numerology numbers from 1 to 9 are important in all  more..
Love and sex compatibility calculators show the match or understanding between couples. Get free compatibility readings based on all forms  more..
Get amazing innovative analyzers and calculators for horoscopes, astrology, numerology, meditation and other fortune tellers. Try these  more..
Learn Runes
Learn runes reading with this easy and simple online step by step guide. Runes reading is one of the most popular forms of fortune telling using the Norse rune stones. If you are interested in learning the basics of the Runic alphabet or Elder Futhark, then this online tutor is the best way to get started. Know more about the different types of runes, meanings, interpretations, layouts, spreads, and lots more. Understand how this form of fortune telling can predict the fortunes for an individual. Get started now with this free online learn runes application and test your knowledge simultaneously. Become an expert at reading the runes!  more..
Category:  More
BaZi Calculator
Calculate your four pillars of destiny with this Chinese Ba Zi Calculator based on Feng Shui principles.  more..
Jyotish Pataki Chakra
Jyotish Pataki Chakra generates your online Vedic tri-pataki chakra chart. This excellent astrology chart is essential in medical astrology for health predictions. Depending on the planetary positions in your natal chart, a Pataki chakra prediction tells you about your physical and mental health, future ailments and illnesses. Get your customized Pataki Chakra today and be warned of your future.  more..
Category:  Astrology
Vedic Sign Aspects
Vedic sign aspects or Rashi Drishti is a free online Vedic calculator that finds the aspects made between planets placed in a particular sign or rashi on other signs in your birth chart. Drishti or ‘glance’ is an important astrological calculation in which the aspects exert some influence on the signs or rashis they cast their ‘drishti’ on but the nature of the influence (malefic or benefic) may be different depending on the nature of the planets. Understand the influence of this Vedic reading on the affairs of the signs of your horoscope.  more..
Category:  Astrology
Feng Shui Love Match
Accurate Feng Shui Compatibility Test. How well do you get along with your partner?  more..
Category:  Love & Sex
Astro Yoga
Astro yoga is an excellent online yoga tutorial based on your zodiac sign. Yoga asanas or exercises are very beneficial for curing all kinds of health problems. A zodiac yoga reading finds your most probable health related ailments depending on all body parts for your sun sign. Each sign is associated with different kinds of illness in medical astrology. Knowing the probable symptoms can help you in finding the right yoga poses for immediate improvement. Also get instant online diet and food tips.  more..
Category:  Wellness
Life Path Destiny Bridge
Life path destiny bridge number numerology bridges the gap between your personalities represented by your life path and destiny or expression numbers. This numerology reading can help you change your ways in life and understand your true purpose. This can also help you actually achieve your goals. Get your free bridge numerology prediction right now.  more..
Category:  Numerology
Planes Of Expression
Planes of expression numbers show different personal aspects of your personality – physical, mental, emotional and intuition. This excellent numerology reading calculation is based on the characteristics shown by each letter in your name. Get a detailed numerological interpretation for the different planes of expression that is revealed from your name numerology analysis.  more..
Category:  Numerology
Chakra Healing Test
The Chakra Healing Test is a free online Chakra test that helps you understand more about 7 chakra balancing and healing. Find out which of your chakras are open or closed and how to balance them.  more..
Category:  Wellness
Uranus Astrology
Are you a rebel? Get a free online personalized Uranus astrology reading and know if you have reason to be a rebellion or not. The zodiac position of planet Uranus in your birth chart plays an important part in you being rebellious. Know more about this aspect of your nature and understand more about your overall personality. A Uranus sign reading lets you know more about what kind of rebel you may turn out to be and thus help control yourself.  more..
Category:  Astrology
david bon
nice tool to know ur futire
this site is amazing and very easy to navigate.
It is a fantastic site,very accurate and precise.Congratulations for the site-makers!!!
thanks so much for a wonderful site
Julie L
fun website. the prediction games are fun and very accurate
good fortune telling site
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